Saturday, November 30, 2019

Svenska Handelsbanken Case Analysis free essay sample

Customer-orientation (Christian, to provide live example) Autonomy (elaine, to provide live example from her own company to support this point). 3. What does this tell us about the key sources for success of ANY decentralized business? empowerment/autonomy (control responsibility down to branch) foster the competition among decentralized units. use KPI to closely monitor the performance of decentralized units. Shared value amongst all branches. systematic support from head office for all units. ( ) 4. What are the challenges that Lars Kahnlund faces in this particular organization, in his efforts to drive change and accelerate growth? alance the culture of autonomy and directive approach. =gt; branch has strong motivation to control its own product and service. =gt; from perspective of entire company, new competitive products may be also needed. really hard to control the decentralized unit, because there are so many branches out there and structure is so flat. how would he get his strategy executed effectively and efficiently ? how can we keep them in order ? too many culture in different areas, so he needs to take care culture conflicts. We will write a custom essay sample on Svenska Handelsbanken Case Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page resistance from employees is expected. (elaborate on this later, including the perservative culture)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Use of theTrumpet in Bachs Mass in B Minor essays

Use of theTrumpet in Bachs Mass in B Minor essays Throughout history, in every field, there have been several families who stand out for their achievements. In music, few families can compete with the success or the productivity that the Bachs can proudly claim. The Bach family represents the most f midable example of a musical dynasty.1 The musical output of this family is remarkable. There were musician Bachs in the sixteenth century: the last of the line died in 1846. In between, there was no generation without a musician. They were all re ted: and even using quite strict criteria, seventy-five of them made their living, or part of it, by practicing music.2 Besides the musical nature of the family, another noteworthy fact is that the Bach family remained in a specific area of Germany fo many generations. The family of which Johann Sebastian Bach was a descendant was purely and thoroughly German, and can be traced to its home in Thuringia even before the time of the Reformation.3 This geographic stability was probably one of the fac rs that contributed to the common interest in music that existed from generation to generation. Also, the composers in the family showed a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the progression of German ideas and beliefs in the development of th r musical styles. For generations they had at once festered and represented those forms of music which appeal most nearly to the transcendental and metaphysical spirit of the German people, and which were destined to be brought by them to the highest rfection - namely, instrumental music and Protestant sacred music, which chiefly grows out of instrumental music.4 The Bachs played an important role in several developments of instrumental music, including the role of the trumpet. In the music of th later Bachs, especially Johann Sebastian, the trumpet evolved into an important melodic character, which employed a similar range to that...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ramasser - to Pick Up, Gather - French Verb Conjugation

Ramasser - to Pick Up, Gather - French Verb Conjugation The  French verb  ramasser means to pick up or gather. Use the tables below to find simple conjugations for this regular -er verb. Conjugations of Ramasser Present Future Imperfect Present participle je ramasse ramasserai ramassais ramassant tu ramasses ramasseras ramassais il ramasse ramassera ramassait nous ramassons ramasserons ramassions vous ramassez ramasserez ramassiez ils ramassent ramasseront ramassaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle ramass Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je ramasse ramasserais ramassai ramassasse tu ramasses ramasserais ramassas ramassasses il ramasse ramasserait ramassa ramasst nous ramassions ramasserions ramassmes ramassassions vous ramassiez ramasseriez ramasstes ramassassiez ils ramassent ramasseraient ramassrent ramassassent Imperative (tu) ramasse (nous) ramassons (vous) ramassez Verb conjugation patternRamasser is a regular -ER verb

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

History 9UT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History 9UT - Essay Example However, this role did not last long. Their new roles were quickly snatched away from them once the war ended in 1945. The men who went to fight the war and survived were given back their old jobs and the women sent home packing. The social revolution was, therefore, rendered temporary since the women were subjected to their former roles as housewives as the men took up their jobs. During the social revolution period that took place in 1942, women were still subjected to discrimination at their places of work. The men at the work place never fully accepted them as their equals at the work place, and thus subjected them to different forms of discrimination such as sabotaging their jobs. Even after the social revolution, women continue to face discrimination in their roles in society. Though they may be able to gain form employment, back at home they are expected to perform their housewife duties as expected. This practice is still common to this date, and it is for such reasons that clarify why the document does not conflict reality in any way. Military; before the executive order given by President Roosevelt in 1941, recruitment into the American defense forces was exclusive to the white community. The white community was given preference in recruitment and promotion in the military, an opportunity which equally deserving and qualified African Americans were denied. It is for such reason that the protest march was organized by the African American community, to air their grievances on the same. Lynching; African Americans were not granted justice through the judicial systems in place before events in 1942. They were subjected to acts of lynching mostly by the white community whenever they committed an offence. Others were simply lynched because of their skin color if they were spotted in purely white neighborhoods. Such barbaric acts of injustices were part of Randolph’s argument for supporting the march. They demanded proper

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Operation management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Operation management - Assignment Example The responsibility of a project manager can be identified by considering the following case. For instance, a particular project manager has been provided with the responsibility of constructing a bridge and who would also need to ensure that the bridge remains serviceable for the initial 20 years of use. Thus, any failure to build the bridge during the period would need to be corrected at the expense of the project manager. In order to complete the project i.e. construction of the bridge successfully, the project manager would have to perform the aforementioned responsibilities (Munns & Bjeirmi, 1996). Demonstration of Technique 1 The technique i.e. Critical Path Analysis (CPA) ensures the completion of a particular project ‘on time’ and ‘on budget’. It computes the time as well as determines the investment amounts which greatly contribute towards finishing a project ‘on time’ and ‘on budget’. Moreover, the technique i.e. ... CPA can make the differentiation between success and failure upon any complex project. It is much valuable for evaluating the significance of the difficulties which are faced while implementing a project plan. The technique of CPA can be implemented by following the diagram. Source: (Baker, 2004). Demonstration of Technique 2 The other technique which facilitates the execution of a project ‘on time’ and ‘on budget’ is ‘Gantt Chart’ method. This technique is fundamentally learnt to be a valuable tool in order to analyse as well as plan different complex projects. Moreover, it is recognised to be a strong as well as a standard instrument with respect to project management. The technique i.e. the ‘Gantt Chart’ can be used for making certain of the actuality that the project can be completed ‘on time’ and ‘on budget’ because it aids to divide the procedures in simpler forms, recognises every important tasks rel ating to the project , establishes duration and identifies overlapping works. These vital features of ‘Gantt Chart’ eventually lead to the accomplishment of a project ‘on time’ and ‘on budget’ (The Centre for Academic Development, 2001). The diagram of â€Å"Gantt Chart" has been provided hereunder. Source: (The Centre for Academic Development, 2001). Question 2 Principles of Performance Management The conception of performance management is principally described as a continuing procedure which is perceived as a strategic approach and offer successful results within a company by enhancing the performance and developing the proficiencies of the individuals and teams. The major objectives of performance management include supporting personal growth as well as team development, raising the degree of team performance by promoting

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Artificial Selection Essay Example for Free

Artificial Selection Essay Many different species have been altered through selective breeding. Selective breeding is a very common practice in the livestock breeding and has impacted the livestock industry greatly by using information obtain from research of the myostatin protein. History of selective breeding of cattle In the 1800s the demand for a better quality as well as quantity of beef was high. Cattle breeders begin to breed select breeds of cattle that appeared larger together in hopes of producing offspring with a larger quantity of meat. The selective breeding began with the Durham Shorthorns and Friesian cattle. (Lee, 2004) The result of the selective breeding produced 3 different strands of cattle breeds the Belgian Blue, Piedmontes and Parthenias. These breeds of cattle all have one similarity, that has proved to be very valuable, the inactive Myostatin protein. Due to the inactive Myostatin protein these cattle produce roughly 20 % more meat than other cattle. The Belgian Blue cattle are a common breed of cattle in the beef and livestock industry representing the double muscle trait caused by the inactive Myostatin protein. Myostatin In 1997 a research team from John Hopkins School of Medicine led by geneticists Dr. Se-Jin Lee and Alexandra McPherron released information from their research on how proteins regulate the growth of tissue in mice. Through their research the team unintentionally discovered the growth differentiation factor 8 (GDF-8) also known as Myostatin protein. With the discovery of the Myostatin protein the team decided to produce a mutant strain of mice that did not have the Myostatin protein. The results showed that the mutant mice had 3 times the muscle tissue than that of a regular mouse. The research showed that with the absence of the myostatin protein the muscle tissue did not have anything to regulate the size; therefore muscle tissue was extremely larger. The Myostatin (GDF-8) protein is a member of the transforming growth factor ? superfamily of secreted growth and differentiation factor. (Lee, 2004) Myostatin is a secreted protein that acts as a negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass. During embryogenesis, myostatin is expressed by cells in the myotome and in developing skeletal muscle and acts to regulate the final number of muscle fibers that are formed. (Lee, 2004) The research of Dr Se-Jin Lee and his colleagues brought the discovery of the Myostatin protein to the forefront of science. However they were not the only group of researcher. Two other research group have also reported finding on the Myostatin mutation. Micheal Georges of the University

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Polonius in Shakespeares Hamlet and John Updikes Gertrude and Claudiu

Polonius in Shakespeare's Hamlet and John Updike's Gertrude and Claudius In every royal court throughout history, there has been the man who knows everything about everyone, and generally has the ear of the king; Shakespeare’s court of Denmark is no exception. Polonius, adviser and Lord Chamberlain to King Hamlet and Claudius, seems to know every intrigue, every alliance made in the interwoven royal court. In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, Polonius is firmly seated at the King’s right hand and he will go to any lengths to facilitate the union of young Hamlet and Ophelia. Similarly, in John Updike’s prequel Gertrude and Claudius, Polonius acts as the liaison between Claudius and Gertrude, even going so far as to permit adultery to take place and knowingly to allow the royal bed of Denmark to be besmirched by incest. Throughout both the novel by Updike and the play by Shakespeare, Polonius’ interests are obviously his own, but at certain times in Gertrude and Claudius, he does indeed serve others. Polonius represents a parado x of ideals: on the surface, the loyal, if somewhat senile, counselor to the King; below this servile exterior, however, lurks the mind of a schemer unable to achieve the throne itself and, therefore, determined to undermine and to manipulate it in order to retain his own power. Although sometimes his machinations do not go as undetected as he may have planned Polonius achieves these goals of power through his interactions with several of the characters in Hamlet and Gertrude and Claudius. Shakespeare does not expound greatly on the personalities of his characters; rather he lets them do it for themselves. Through Polonius’s actions and words towards Gertrude in the play, it seems that he is much mor... King Claudius do eventually bring about his downfall, and he has only himself to blame for this. In his insistence that he be involved with everyone’s affairs and due to his faith that â€Å"human affairs could all be managed, manipulated with cogs and ratchets like millwheels and clocks, by a clever enough puppeteer,† Polonius is caught in his own trap (189). For a while he is able enough to run the puppet show; but as the intrigues in Claudius’ court increase, he continues to get farther out of his depth, out of his realm of experience. He never considers having to deal with Hamlet’s madness, his obsession to either sanctify or to condemn his mother. He never concerns himself with the possibility of an accident or changing loyalties. When the puppeteer becomes the puppet unbeknownst to himself a swift reckoning is exacted, caused only by Polonius’ own manipulations.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mang Inasal Marketing Profile Essay

Liqueur- is an alcoholic beverage that has been flavored with fruit, herbs, nuts, spices, flowers, or cream and bottled with added sugar. Liqueurs are typically quite sweet; they are usually not aged for long but may have resting periods during their production to allow flavors to marry. Salad- is a wide variety of dihses they may include mixture of cold and hot. Often raw vegetable. Also pasta, legumes, eggs, meat, poultry, seafood, and fuit. cooking oil- any of numerous vegetable oils used in cooking vegetable oil, oil- any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants hotel- a commercially run establishment providing lodging and usually meals for guests, and often containing a public bar banquet- a lavish and sumptuous meal; feasta ceremonial meal for many people, often followed by speeches catering- To provide food or entertainment. Baking- To cook (food) with dry heat, especially in an oven. Cocktail- Any of various mixed alcoholic drinks consisting usually of brandy, whiskey, vodka, or gin combined with fruit juices or other liquors and often served chilled. Mocktail- A cocktail containing no alcohol. Tourism- the activitiy of traveliring for pleasure, to see sights, for recreation etc. hospitality- An instance of cordial and generous treatment of guests. Entertainment- Something that amuses, pleases, or diverts, especially a performance or show. Barista- is a person, usually a coffee-house employee, who prepares and serves espresso-based coffee drinks. Manager- a manager is a person who helps others others get more done. A manager helps others get more done by: motivating them providing directions making sure they are working together toward a common goal removing roadblocks and providing feedback. Supevisor- A supervisor is the lowest, or most-junior, management position. It is usually a step above lead (Accounting Supervisor is senior to Lead Accounting Specialist), but below Manager. Culinary Arts-Members of the kitchen brigade are culinary artisans. They have gone through rigorous training in accredited culinary arts programs, and have learned the theories and techniques they need in order to be successful. Simply put, practicing culinary arts means you’re elevating the act of eating from one of mere necessity to one of pleasure. Cake- Cake is a form of bread or bread-like food. In its modern forms, it is typically a sweet and enriched baked dessert. In its oldest forms, cakes were normally fried breads or cheesecakes, and normally had a disk shape. Determining whether a given food should be classified as bread, cake, or pastry can be difficult. Herbs- is â€Å"any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume† or â€Å"a part of such a plant as used in cooking†. Spices- is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetative substance used in nutritionally insignificant quantities as a food additive for flavor, color, or as a preservative that kills harmful bacteria or prevents their growth. Bread- is a staple food prepared by cooking a dough of flour and water and often additional ingredients.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Goods Spend Analysis

Individual Assignment Goods Spend Analysis Prepared by: Anjela Li Date: January 13, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction3 2. Goods Spend Analysis: How is it conducted? 4 3. Key Triggers5 4. How spend analysis fits the procurement strategy6 1. Introduction Spend analysis  is the process of collecting, cleansing, classifying and analyzing expenditure data with the purpose of reducing procurement costs, improving efficiency and monitoring compliance. It can also be leveraged in other areas of business such as inventory management, budgeting and planning, and product development. There are three core areas of spend analysis – visibility, analysis and process. By leveraging all three, companies can generate answers to the crucial questions affecting their spending, including: ? What am I really spending? ? With whom am I spending it? ? Am I getting what’s been promised for that spend? Spend analysis is often viewed as part of a larger domain known as  spend management  which incorporates spend analysis, commodity management and  strategic sourcing. Companies perform spend analysis for several reasons. The core business driver for most organizations is profitability. In addition to improving compliance and reducing cycle times, performing detailed spend analysis helps companies find new areas of savings that previously went untapped, and hold onto past areas of savings that they have already negotiated. Benefits of Spend Data Management: [pic] 2. Goods Spend Analysis: How is it conducted? 3 major components of a spend analysis: Component |Activity |Typical deliverable | |(a)Opportunity assessment |Collect and validate category spend data/diagnose |High level spend analysis | | |company spend |Savings opportunity ranges | | |Analyze industry/market trends |Sourcing project plan | | |Prioritize and sequence opportunities |Sourcing maturity assessment | |(b)Creation of category profile |Define category spend by supplier, spend, |Detailed baseline spend analysis | |(c)Marketplace assessment |region/customer |Preferred parts list | | |Determine category requirements, specifications, |Industry and supply market analyses | | |forecast |Total cost components | | |Determine total cost components |Potential switching/change out osts (ex: replacement cost| | |Conduct detailed supply market and value chain analysis |of propane tanks when switching suppliers should be | | |Determine supplier universe and identify potential |considered when creating a sourcing strategy and in the | | |suppliers |analysis for potential savings) | | |Collect feedback from stakeholders regarding supplier | | | |performance | | 3. Key Triggers ? Spend by type of goods: provides visibility of what the money is spent for and enables further analysis to apply 80/20 rule to define the top 20% of goods that represent 80% of spend. A proper spend analysis by type of goods typically requires splitting main product categories into subcategories to provide visibility of â€Å"hidden† costs ? Spend by a Business Unit: provides visibility of spend by end customer, i. e. ho spends the money, compliance rate to the possible existing preferred supplier agreements and whether or not the spend is fragmented within the organization ? Spend by Supplier (enterprise view): allows understanding of who the money is spent with, how fragmented spend is within the supplier base and whether an opportunity exists for volume concentration ? Spend by Supplier (by Business Unit): allows visibility of the breakdown of spend among suppliers within a specific Business Unit. This helps to define whether there are common suppliers that are being used across all Business Units and whether an opportunity exists to gain a better price leverage by consolidating the volume for specific products across all Business Units. This type of analysis also prompts sourcing specialists to engage with stakeholders to understand whether there were any supplier performance concerns that might potentially impact distribution of spend and therefore, should be addressed and considered at the stage of building new strategic sourcing strategies 4. How spend analysis fits the procurement strategy A proper spend analysis allows to build effective sourcing strategies, which can be leverage oriented, relationship oriented or a combination of both (see Figure 1 below). The sourcing strategy for the category will depend on three factors: a) How competitive is the supplier marketplace? b) How aligned are your organization’s users on the need versus opportunity to test incumbent relationships? ) What alternatives to a competitive assessment exist for your organization in this or connected categories? Typically, if there are categories with High/Low Business impact and Low Market complexity the left side of the Sourcing Gemstone will be used: Volume Concentration, Best Price Evaluation or Global sourcing. If more complex markets are confronted (Ex: sole source supplier situation, single source supplier due to complexities in the product specifications and/or industry regulations, lack of substitute suppliers or products, other suppliers vs. the incumbent had critical performance issues in the past, long term industry shortage due to the economic downturn in the global market, etc. we may want to consider Product Specification Improvements, Joint Process Improvements or Relationship Restructuring strategies. It is also important to acknowledge that commonly, the higher the maturity of a specific category, the lower is the opportunity to capture high net dollar savings through a competitive event effort and the more is the need to focus on strengthening the relationship with your preferred supplier and reap the benefits of a joint effort in areas related to the right hand side of the Gemstone (Ex: p roduct standardization, electronic invoicing, product innovation, etc. ) Figure 1 [pic] Supply Market Complexity (High) ———————– High Business Impact

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Overpopulation

China?s One-Child-Policy By: Kevin In 1950, the world human population numbered 2.5 billion. In 1987, the global human population has doubled since 1950, and for the first time, it has exceeded the 5 billion mark. Furthermore, with the continuation of this growth pattern, estimated by demographic researchers, this number is projected to double once more in about 40 years (Raven 48). The rapidly population has caused many incalculable effects on the earth, and scientists have been warning the world of such costly events. According to their studies, tropical forests, equivalent to the size of Washington state, which measures about 17 million hectares, disappear every year, and the disappearance has contributed to the to rising of global temperatures (Piotrow, and Green C3). Eventually, long-turn deforestation will ultimately lead to the extinction of the majority of plant, animal, and microorganism species (Raven 49). In addition, the reduction in fish catches caused by polluted oceans, the piling up of refuse in the ci ties, the worsening air, and water quality, the spread of poverty, and the dwindling supply of food for the growing number of people, have all triggered scientists to urge the nations of the world to slow human population growth (Piotrow, and Green C3). Further, according to researchers, about ninety-five percent of this runaway population growth occurs in the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and with less ability to cope with the increasing number, many of the most critical environmental problems are also taking place there (Raven 48). Among these nations, China is a country notoriously know as the world?s most populous country, has taken the foreseeable which disaster seriously, and for more than two decades, it has launched various policies to contain its population growth. The result of its endeavor has been rather remarkable; however, its dictatorial enforcement has started a controversial c... Free Essays on Overpopulation Free Essays on Overpopulation China?s One-Child-Policy By: Kevin In 1950, the world human population numbered 2.5 billion. In 1987, the global human population has doubled since 1950, and for the first time, it has exceeded the 5 billion mark. Furthermore, with the continuation of this growth pattern, estimated by demographic researchers, this number is projected to double once more in about 40 years (Raven 48). The rapidly population has caused many incalculable effects on the earth, and scientists have been warning the world of such costly events. According to their studies, tropical forests, equivalent to the size of Washington state, which measures about 17 million hectares, disappear every year, and the disappearance has contributed to the to rising of global temperatures (Piotrow, and Green C3). Eventually, long-turn deforestation will ultimately lead to the extinction of the majority of plant, animal, and microorganism species (Raven 49). In addition, the reduction in fish catches caused by polluted oceans, the piling up of refuse in the ci ties, the worsening air, and water quality, the spread of poverty, and the dwindling supply of food for the growing number of people, have all triggered scientists to urge the nations of the world to slow human population growth (Piotrow, and Green C3). Further, according to researchers, about ninety-five percent of this runaway population growth occurs in the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and with less ability to cope with the increasing number, many of the most critical environmental problems are also taking place there (Raven 48). Among these nations, China is a country notoriously know as the world?s most populous country, has taken the foreseeable which disaster seriously, and for more than two decades, it has launched various policies to contain its population growth. The result of its endeavor has been rather remarkable; however, its dictatorial enforcement has started a controversial c...

Monday, November 4, 2019

E BUSINESS APPLICATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

E BUSINESS APPLICATION - Essay Example This section presents a comprehensive analysis of some of the prime tools along with packages available to develop an ecommerce application such as our web based watch store business. Below I will review some of the prime tools we will use for the development of this watch store business: Visual Studio is a broad group of web development tools intended for developing XML Web Services, ASP.NET Web applications, mobile applications and desktop applications. Additionally, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual J# and Visual C# every one utilize the similar IDE (integrated development environment) that permits them to allocate tools as well as helps in the formation of solutions pertaining to some sort of mixed-language. As well, these languages influence the tasks of the .NET Framework that offers access to main technologies that make things easier for the development of ASP Web applications, Web Services and XML (Adsule, 2007). Visual Studio offers ASP.NET for web development that is a great technology that is employed to develop dynamic web applications like our web based online watch store, frequently determined through a database. In addition, a lot of established and famous websites are designed through ASP.NET, for instance e-commerce leaders such as Dell. Thus, in case of our web based online watch store website development ASP.NET web services will offer a comprehensive web services model that will help us to produce rapid as well as simply web services (Avery, 2005). Adobe is a well known software for a lot of proposes and areas, however in this section I will try to assess this tool only for the sake of web based system development for the web based online watch store website development. In this scenario Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium software simply helps in developing quality-based websites as well as much better digital practices. In addition, through Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 and also a large number of integrated web development and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Use of Conflict Management Styles Across Different Cultures Assignment

The Use of Conflict Management Styles Across Different Cultures - Assignment Example The study will also intend to evaluate the process of selection of the conflict management styles in the organizations and the factors influencing them. The cultural identities of the organizations have become more diversified in the contemporary scenario as the internal workforce is more widespread and open (Cochran & Harpending, 2009). According to Devine et al. (2002), culture defines the identity of an individual, group or an institution and is one of strongest psychological attachments that can give rise to conflicts if tempered with. Blair (2001) opined that often it is observed that mergers and strategic alliances fail in the real world businesses because of their cultural differences. For instance, the merger between Ford and Chrysler in the year 1998 failed because of the inability of their workforce of the organizations to adapt to the changes in the work structure. In order to assess the influence of culture on the conflict management process, it is essential to first understand the factors involved in culture. Devine et al. (2002) reflected that although culture is not always the cause of the conflict but it can influenc e the conflict resolving process. In the words of Blair (2001), culture of a firm reflects the core values, passion and its aim. Geary (2005) added that the stakeholders of a firm contribute towards the development of its culture. This again creates complicacies and conflicts among the management and the shareholders of a company. Bentley et al. (2007) argued that organizational culture is influenced by the aims and objectives which in turn dominate the work process of the firm. Devine et al. (2002) focused on the influence of cultures on the business process and stated that when the basic needs of an individual, group or organization are satisfied, conflicts do not rise among diverse cultures. However, Chiappe & MacDonald (2005) stated that cultural diversity also increases the chances of conflict among the people as it reflects